Slip and Fall Injury
Fort Lauderdale Slip and Fall Attorney
We’ve all stumbled and taken a fall once or twice in our lives. It’s just one of those embarrassing realities of life that we’d all rather soon forget- especially if done in front of other people!
Usually these stumbles are harmless and you walk away uninjured. However, if you do find yourself injured from a slip and fall episode that was caused by someone else’s negligence, it is important that you know that the responsible party can be made liable to pay for all of your medical bills and lost wages, along with compensation for your pain and suffering.
Thomas & Pearl is relentless and will fight for you.
Property owners and store business owners have a duty to keep their property safe from dangerous conditions. However, when an injury occurs getting compensation for what the law says you ‘deserve’, however, requires the expertise of a lawyer who not only knows the laws thoroughly, but also knows how to apply them in order to best represent the injured person.
If you, a loved one or a friend has fallen in a place of business, a retail store, restaurant, etc. due to water or other impediments on the floor, or suffered an injury due to a broken sidewalk, an uneven walkway or any other dangerous condition, your first step must be to get the immediate medical care you need. Your second step, however, should be a call to Thomas & Pearl. Immediately after making that call, you will be invited to come to our office for a FREE consultation. We will even send an experienced representative to see you for your FREE consultation if you are unable to come to our office.
A Thomas & Pearl attorney will evaluate your potential claim(s) by analyzing the nature and extent of your injuries, the liability of all parties and possible insurance coverage, advise you of the legal process for these types of accidents, and make sure you are getting the ongoing medical care you need if you aren’t already doing so. Your focus should be on getting better and doing whatever your doctors advises you to do. Thomas & Pearl will handle everything else and personally guide you through the parts of the process that you need to do in person.
We will even send an experienced attorney to see you for your FREE consultation if you are unable to make it to our office.
You will be filled-in before any important legal action is taken. Oftentimes, clients will have to make a decision about whether to settle their accident claim or file a lawsuit and go the litigation route with the ultimate goal of having a jury decide your claim’s fate. Like all other steps, the decision will be yours but another benefit of choosing Thomas & Pearl is that we handle all litigation matters in-house. This provides you, the client, not only with the same level of outstanding legal services you will have come to know from us, but the cohesion of having the same legal minds who began your case taking it all the way to completion.