Construction Injury
Fort Lauderdale Construction Injury Attorney
The Law Offices of Thomas & Pearl has been representing victims of construction and roofing accidents since 1973, and through the years has employed some truly innovative and remarkable strategies to recover compensation for our clients.
What’s very important for all victims of construction or roofing accidents to understand is that these cases are much different than representing the victims of car accidents or other types of injuries. With those differences come various tasks and responsibilities that other attorneys or law firms may simply not know to employ in a particular case. Knowing which unique and important tactics to undertake for a client, and having the financial resources to carry them out, can greatly affect the amount of compensation a victim receives for his or her injuries.
Thomas & Pearl is relentless and will fight for you.
Construction site accidents can be caused by many different circumstances. The negligence of a supervisor or co-worker, defective machinery or equipment, inadequate and dangerous work instructions, debris on the ground, along with countless other factors can all contribute to very serious injuries and fatalities. Thus, a victim or the family member of one can have many different potential claims for an injury and it once again becomes the skill and experience of their lawyer to recognize those possibilities and guide the client through them.
Something else many victims do not consider, along with the possibility of various parties being liable for their construction site or roofing accident, is that the case may be covered under Workers’ Compensation, Personal Injury law, or both. That means it is often times necessary for an attorney to not only thoroughly know and understand Personal Injury law, but also have the same level of understanding of the entirely different field of Workers’ Compensation law. Otherwise, a client may recover far less than they would otherwise get under full benefit of the law.
At Thomas & Pearl, our attorneys have handled construction and roofing accidents as well as Workers’ Compensation claims for over 45 years. You can be confident that with Thomas & Pearl as the law firm handling your construction or roofing accident that all possible ways to recover for your injuries are being considered on your behalf.
We will even send an experienced attorney to see you for your FREE consultation if you are unable to make it to our office.
After being involved in a construction or roofing accident, your first step should obviously be getting the immediate medical care you need. Your second step should be a call to Thomas & Pearl. Immediately after making that call, we will invite you to come in for your FREE consultation. We will even send an experienced attorney to see you for your FREE consultation if you are unable to make it to our office. Then we will evaluate your potential claim(s) by analyzing the liability of all parties and possible insurance coverage, advise you of the legal process for these types of accidents, and make sure you are getting the ongoing medical care you need if you aren’t already. Your focus should be all about getting better and doing whatever your doctors tell you. We will handle your claim and personally guide you through those parts you need to do in person. You will be advised before any important steps are taken, and will make each critical decision after getting your lawyer’s opinions.
Often times, clients will have to make a decision about whether to settle their accident claim or file a lawsuit and go the litigation route with the ultimate goal of having a jury decide your claim’s fate. Like all other steps, the decision will be yours but another benefit of choosing Thomas & Pearl is that we handle all litigation matters in-house. This provides you, the client, not only with the same level of outstanding legal services you will have come to know from us, but the cohesion of having the same legal minds who began your case taking it all the way to completion.