Practice Areas
Car, Trucks, Motorcycle, Boat and even Scooters. Our team of injury attorneys in Fort Lauderdale, Florida has over 45 years of experience representing accident victims involving of all types of motor vehicles.
Personal Injury
Thomas & Pearl handles any and all accident & personal injury cases in Fort Lauderdale and South Florida. Before you sign anything, make a call to Thomas & Pearl. A law firm with over 45 years of experience can efficiently and effectively guide you through the legal process and help get you the maximum compensation.
Workers' Compensation
Thomas & Pearl lawyers are experienced workplace injury attorneys. If you are the victim of a workplace accident in Fort Lauderdale, Florida or anywhere in South Florida, even if it happened outside of the office but during work hours, the first thing you must do is get medical attention. The team of Thomas & Pearl can assist with this.
Social Security Disability
Thomas & Pearl lawyers help individuals across Fort Lauderdale and South Florida with their chances to be awarded benefits. We help you complete and file the complex paperwork and provide representation at hearings.