Negligent or Inadequate Security
Fort Lauderdale Negligent or Inadequate Security Lawyers
In many cases the malls where you shop, the restaurants where you eat, the apartment buildings and condominiums where you live or visit friends, and even the bars and other nightlife venues you frequent have a duty to provide security for your protection both inside their grounds as well as in the parking lot. That is why if you were struck, harmed or physically injured by another in any way, you may be able to recover for your injuries.
Whether or not you can ultimately obtain compensation for your injuries will depend on the specific facts of the case and the talent, skill, and expertise of the attorneys you hire.
If you, a loved one, or a friend were victimized and/or injured due to an apartment complex, condominium, mall, restaurant, bar, or other business’s lack of adequate security, your first step must be to get the immediate medical care you need. Your second step should be a call to Thomas & Pearl. Immediately after making that call, we will invite you to come in for your FREE consultation. We will even send an experienced representative to see you for your FREE consultation if you are unable to make it to our office.
Thomas & Pearl is relentless and will fight for you.
We will evaluate your potential claim(s) by analyzing the nature and extent of your injuries, the liability of all parties and possible insurance coverage, advise you of the legal process for these types of accidents, and make sure you are getting the ongoing medical care you need if you aren’t already. From there, your focus should be all about just getting better and doing whatever your doctors tell you. We will handle your case and personally guide you through those parts you need to do in person. You will be advised before any important step is taken, and will make each critical decision after getting your lawyer’s opinions.
Oftentimes, clients will have to make a decision about whether to settle their negligent security claim or file a lawsuit and go the litigation route with the ultimate goal of having a jury decide your claim’s fate. Like all other steps, the decision will be yours but another benefit of choosing Thomas & Pearl is that we handle all litigation matters in-house. This provides you not only with the same level of outstanding legal services you will have come to know from us, but the cohesion of having the same legal minds who began your case taking it all the way to completion.